Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


How WebRatio Platform’s low-code development helps create a unique digital experience faster

Digital Transformation | Low-code | Web Development | WebRatio Platform
How WebRatio Platform’s low-code development helps create a unique digital experience faster

The secret of an excellent digital experience is personalization, because only by responding to the unique needs of each online user it is possible to increase the users’ involvement. In fact, the User Experience designers study the ergonomics of digital solutions and user paths to offer solutions that are simple and quick to use, reducing the number of interactions to help people achieve the goals they set for themselves online.


Let’s analyze the tools and benefits of WebRatio Platform that help give users a unique experience that is faster than standards:



  • Visual Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML)
    WebRatio’s visual approach of low-code development lets you see and understand at a glance what a user’s interaction with a digital solution is. This simplifies the design activities of the paths and digital experiences of users and is able to automatically produce the application code and test its operation in real time, without the need for additional mockups or wireframes.
  • UI Designer
    The interface designer offers the user’s point of view during development and thus the ability to modify the user interface in detail, with the final result shown in real time.
  • Business Process Automation
    The BPMN visual notation allows you to easily define asynchronous interactions with users who collaborate to complete a process, managing workflows and automatization.



  • Omnichannel
    With WebRatio Platform, it is possible to visually design only once and automatically produce web and mobile applications to give a consistent enterprise image to the online user. 
  • Extensibility
    To offer users information processed with data that also comes from different sources, it is possible to extend your applications and integrate existing or external systems through the creation of customized APIs,. 
  • Scalability
    The release of applications on the Cloud allows you to take advantage of the elasticity of processing resources to increase or reduce them automatically on the basis of changes in online demand.



  • Agile development
    The visual approach and automatic production of low-code development let you develop in an agile way, such that you do not have to complete the process analysis phase before developing but have the two phases integrated for greater speed and user involvement. 
  • Speed
    All the tools and functionalities seen so far lead to the realization of solutions 7 to 10 times faster than market standards.

Customization down to the smallest detail

It is possible to customize applications by offering a view dedicated to each category of users and specific features according to the activities they must perform.

This can be seen through our customers’ projects:

  • Custom views
    Disugual’s Extended ERP system offers customized interfaces based on the roles of the entire company value chain, from suppliers to agents in the field. Each user category has a dedicated control panel with different data and information.
  • Personalization functionality
    Gewiss home automation applications allow customers to customize automation according to their tastes and needs with complete autonomy, defining scenarios and triggers that control all systems, from lighting to heating.

With WebRatio Platform, customizable solutions can be created down to the smallest detail to ensure that users can enjoy a unique, engaging, and tailor-made user experience based on their personal or business needs.


Find out WebRatio Platform >



January 26, 2021 / WebRatio

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