Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


At Host 2017, WebRatio will show how IoT services created with Semioty add value to the hospitality industry

At Host 2017, WebRatio will show how IoT services created with Semioty add value to the hospitality industry

The 40th anniversary of the HOST conference will be held in Milan between the 20th and 24th of October

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August 28, 2017 / WebRatio

Digital360Awards: WebRatio awarded best Digital Transformation solution for Semioty

Digital360Awards: WebRatio awarded best Digital Transformation solution for Semioty

WebRatio is the 2017 winner of the DIGITAL360 award dedicated to digital transformation thanks to our IoT solution: Semioty

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August 4, 2017 / WebRatio

CeBIT 2017. WebRatio, along with Eurotech, will be at the most important fair in the world dedicated to ICT

CeBIT 2017. WebRatio, along with Eurotech, will be at the most important fair in the world dedicated to ICT

Hannover, March 20–24. WebRatio joins the most famous fair in the world dedicated to information and communication technology

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February 28, 2017 / WebRatio

IoT Evolution Expo: We are at the Biggest IoT event on the US East Coast to present Semioty with Eurotech

IoT Evolution Expo: We are at the Biggest IoT event on the US East Coast to present Semioty with Eurotech

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, February 8–10 — We will present Semioty at the stand of our partner Eurotech (number 3000) during the IoT Evolution Expo

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January 31, 2017 / WebRatio