Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


69 days a year wasted due to lack of process automation in office operations

BPA Development | Digital Transformation | Low-code
69 days a year wasted due to lack of process automation in office operations

552 hours per year: this is the amount of time spent per capita on non-core and repetitive activities such as data entry, form filling and document archiving, as described in an article on the subject in Forbes.


That is the equivalent of 69 days of work, or over 3 months (if we count 22 working days per month)—a quarter of the time available in a year to devote to all activities and to achieve set goals.


The global impact from the lack of innovation in offices that do not use Business Process Automation systems is estimated at 5 billion dollars. But even if we take a micro enterprise of 4 people as an example (as the many startups that form every day) the wasted time is comparable to the loss of 1 resource, leaving only 3 people who truly create value, representing a loss of 25% of business productivity.


The data are no better if we consider senior figures or managers; on average, those over 40 spend 140 hours more per year on data entry than do people between 30 and 40 years of age.


Low-code technology can help solve this ongoing inefficient use of time and resources  because it allows development of BPA applications at exceptional speed. The annual costs for repetitive jobs can be avoided and replaced by a one-time expense to implement a business automation solution and basic maintenance costs that are largely repaid by increased productivity and by the speed of low-code development, which is up to 10x faster than traditional methods.


Our partner company Be For, for example, claims to achieve an increase in automation of up to 85% using solutions created through the WebRatio Platform, with the remaining 15% dedicated to the manual activities necessary for configuration, control and modification of atomization.


This result shows how the automation of processes using low-code technology helps companies regain the time lost to non-productive activities, saving over 20% of personnel costs each year and avoiding errors typical of manual labor.


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January 26, 2021 / WebRatio

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