Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


Whitepaper: Productivity 7x - the experience of dedagroup with WebRatio

Digital Transformation | Partner
Whitepaper: Productivity 7x - the experience of dedagroup with WebRatio

Dedagroup Public Services is the company of the Dedagroup group which supports central and local public administrations and companies of the Energy & Utilities industry in the digitalization of their services. It has been a WebRatio partner for years and has a Competence Center on the development platform with IFML certified resources. It is also an IFPUG member (International Function Point Users Group), and uses the Function Point method for the functional sizing of the projects carried out.

The company has realized a calculation of the productivity enabled by the WebRatio low-code platform, using the IFPUG method, comparing the result with traditional development methods and measuring a result 7 times greater than the other development languages.


[...] Compared to this benchmark, the median productivity value achieved with WebRatio Platform was more than 7 times higher and, in the overall sample of Min and Max values, the highest productivity was found to be 6 to 10 times.”


The downloadable whitepaper describes the procedure adopted for the calculation of the functional size applied to a real practical case, the development benchmark and the demonstration of the productivity increase achievable thanks to the low-code technology of WebRatio Platform.


> Download the whitepaper

October 7, 2019 / WebRatio

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