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WebRatio wins at the Services Exporter Award 2015

Digital Transformation
WebRatio wins at the Services Exporter Award 2015


Wednesday, May 27: The night is full of ovations to and recognitions of the great job done by Ecuadorian exporters. The Federation of Exporters (FEDEXPOR) granted the fifth edition of the EXPOR AWARDS 2015, which counted the presence of the vice president of Ecuador, ministers and the national press.


During the ceremony, WebRatio has been honored to be rewarded with a special mention as "Export Services Company 2015". The prize is dedicated to the best 18 Ecuadorian companies from small, medium and large industries that stood out in the export of goods and services in 2014.

The award selection process was held by representatives of major financial, educational and exporting Ecuadorian institutions and supported by the auditing firm "Grant Thornton".

WebRatio was awarded with the mention of "Exporting Company Services 2015", due to its services portfolio, its range growth, the countries to which it exports and the sources of direct and indirect labor generated by these activities.

For us, this special mention means recognition of the whole team’s work, the pursuit of service quality and our responsibility to our customers and followers. In addition, it strengthens our commitment to continuous improvement, increased investment in human talent and our support of economic growth through job creation.



The Ecuadorian Federation of Exporters was founded in 1976. Nowadays, the Federation has a strong influence, and it has become a role model of internationalization for Ecuadorian companies, covering more than 220 institutions among sector associations, exporters and related services, representing about 75% of non-oil exports.

June 15, 2015 / WebRatio

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