Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


How WebRatio Platform simplifies and accelerates the Business Process Automation lifecycle

BPA Development | Low-code | WebRatio Platform
How WebRatio Platform simplifies and accelerates the Business Process Automation lifecycle

Business process automation (BPA) technologies are rooted in business process management (BPM) methods and technologies, which simplify monitoring and orchestrating digital processes in the company, with the aim of improving operational performances and management control.


The BPM lifecycle

BPM projects have a lifecycle (figure 1) that starts with design, followed by modeling, execution, monitoring, and finally the continuous process optimization, redesigning the processes as a result of changes in the company, with the aim of always having maximum efficiency and effectiveness.





The lifecycle of BPA

The BPA adds automation to process management, so the lifecycle includes the analysis phase of processes that can be automated, the choice of automation technologies, and their implementation.

The lifecycle is thus composed (Figure 2) of an initial planning phase in which the potential business area needing process automation is evaluated, with potential KPIs to monitor the results; a second phase of modeling automatic processes, for which WebRatio Platform uses the standard BPMN visual notation; then the execution of the automation, with implementation and integration into the corporate IT systems to monitor the results by continuously comparing the KPIs defined in the design phase. Finally, from the results obtained in the monitoring phase follows the optimization phase with the aim of improving performance, looking for new areas of automation, better integration between systems, and more advanced automation technology to use.

The output of the optimization phase is the input for the next cycle, with a new phase of design in which the automation of processes is redesigned based on the analysis of the previous phase.




WebRatio Platform simplifies and accelerates the lifecycle of BPA

The visual modeling in BPMN of the WebRatio Platform business processes allows you to start immediately implementing the process automation solution, without using documents, drawings, or graphic mockups. Yet, this is not the only advantage because the Low-Code platform simplifies and accelerates the lifecycle at every stage. Here it is in detail.




The Business Process Designer of WebRatio Platform




Life cycle stage
Activity Advantage


Definition of the technology for process automation WebRatio Platform is an end-to-end platform because it allows you to automate all kinds of tasks and activities, so you don’t have to look for different technologies for each type of automation


Modeling of the new automation processes according to requirements The Business Process Designer allows you to visually design automatic processes in BPMN, combining the modeling and execution phases


Implementation of automatic processes in corporate IT systems The IFML language, being visual like BPMN, drastically simplifies and accelerates the implementation phase of the front-ends of automation solutions


The visual modeling of WebRatio low-code approach immediately impressed us, because it changes the IT solutions realization paradigm, making it business-driven and no longer technology-driven. The abstraction of IFML language accelerates and simplifies the application development amazingly, seamlessly integrating it with the process analysis and engineering phase defined in BPMN”

Partner Senior Consultant




Continuous monitoring and data analysis by comparing KPIs WebRatio Platform tools, such as the Business Process Diagram, together with process performance data tracking, simplify monitoring and analysis




The Business Process Diagram of WebRatio Platform




Continuous improvement of performances The ease and speed of Low-Code allow you to apply agile development methodologies, making changes to process automation as soon as performance indicators show the need


A simpler and faster lifecycle

From the analysis of the BPA lifecycle phases with WebRatio Platform, lifecycle management with the Low-Code platform is simplified (Figure 3).



The WebRatio Platform suite of languages and visual tools accelerates the BPA lifecycle, leading to an immediate return on investment, a shorter payback period and, if added to process automation, the result is greater operational efficiency in less time and with less expenditure of resources.


“In business process innovation and optimization, it’s essential to have an immediate return on investment. This is why we have chosen WebRatio. It lets us create digital solutions with a payback period of between 6 and 12 months”

COO & Senior Business Process Management Consultant


Find out more about WebRatio Platform's Low-Code technology >

May 23, 2023 / WebRatio

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