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WebRatio and MealMe® with Hoover for the haute cuisine delivery

Digital Transformation | Distribution & Retail | Web Development
WebRatio and MealMe® with Hoover for the haute cuisine delivery

Everyone is having difficulties in these days, with shopping, managing the family and work, and the eat@hoover food delivery service helps to take care of your well-being, bringing at home the delights of the Italian gastronomy, with all the flavor, aroma and nutritional properties as if you were invited by a great chef.

Together with the partner MealMe®, Exever's food supplier that uses vacuum cooking technology, Hoover offers an innovative high-gastronomy home delivery service in Italy, available online thanks to the marketplace developed with WebRatio Platform eat.hoover.it. From seasonings to side courses, and also first, second courses of meat and fish, sauces, and selections for vegetarians, for children and for those who want a classic dish revisited in a gourmet style, all cooked according to the method of the famous Italian chef Gualtiero Marchesi, who has been the first to adopt the concept of slow cooking, healthier than classic preparations and surely than the fast food we are used to order online today.

Visit the eat.hoover.it Italian marketplace >

April 21, 2020 / WebRatio

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