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Now available Dolomiti Energia group’s new mobile app, developed using WebRatio Mobile Platform

Customer | Energy & Utilities | Mobile Development
Now available Dolomiti Energia group’s new mobile app, developed using WebRatio Mobile Platform

The new mobile application, developed with the WebRatio Platform and integrated with the company’s SAP system, allows customers of Dolomiti Energia, a subsidiary of Dolomiti Energia Group, to use all the services already accessible online through the website. The user experience has been fully customized with dynamic features that make navigation easy and intuitive.

The app was developed, tested and published in just two months on the main stores, Google Play e iTunes, for download by thousands of users. Through this app, customers of the Italian multi-utility can handle any type of transaction with the company, which always aims to be a major player at the forefront of the digital business era, which it has achieved thanks to one of the main ingredients of this era: mobile technologies.

The app, with 12 main sections and over 30 screens, allows customers to view with a click or touch their consumptions and bills, which makes self-reading practical and fast. The app provides a new, easier mode for customers to control their consumption of electricity, natural gas and water and to view all the information they need through a new feature that allows them to receive push notifications for both news and direct messages.

Customers of Dolomiti Energia will have the ability to:

  • access bills from the last two years
  • add bill expiration dates to their phones’ calendars
  • view the status of their payments and any pending amounts to be paid
  • keep their contract data up-to-date
  • graphically display their consumption
  • preview news and offers from the Trenta world
  • communicate quickly and easily with customer service
  • manage different user profiles

This project further strengthens WebRatio’s relationship with Dolomiti Energia, which sees in the company a reliable partner for the development of web and mobile applications. The new app represents a new milestone for the WebRatio team, which in recent years has supported Dolomiti Energia in the creation of different applications, such as the portal, the online helpdesk and the TICA producer portal.

April 15, 2016 / WebRatio

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