Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


Six signals of Digital Transformation and their solutions

BPA Development | Digital Transformation | Low-code
Six signals of Digital Transformation and their solutions

Managing digital projects for companies in different industry, from manufacturing to retail, we noticed there are six signals that show the digital transformation need. These signals are in all the Business Units of organizations, from production to administration, and point out the degree of activities digitizalition, the causes of loss of competitiveness and of decrease in work performance, compared to companies where the digital transformation is ongoing.

We have described the six signals in an infographic we make available online.


> Download the infographic of Six Signals


We also share the solutions we have devised to respond to the signals and which have been useful to companies we have collaborated with to improve their services, offer to customers and competitive positioning in their reference market.


> Download the infographic of the solutions to signals

August 23, 2019 / WebRatio

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