Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


SinergieIT and WebRatio: Low-Code and Agile methodology

Digital Transformation | Low-code | Partner
SinergieIT and WebRatio: Low-Code and Agile methodology

How did you meet WebRatio Platform and what convinced you to use the low-code platform?

"I met WebRatio Platform during the university course of Engineering ..." is the incipit of Roberto del Sordo, CTO of SinergieIT, software development company and system integrator of Rome and for years WebRatio technological partner "... and l introduced it in my company because I immediately appreciated the potentiality of abstraction of visual modeling and low-code, which allowed us to have web applications in a very short time, with a quality of the automatically generated code that let us never to intervene to make changes and, above all, we obtained complete solutions, because other platforms allowed us to model the business processes flow, but we had to manually develop the layout and the functionalities of the application front-end. With WebRatio Platform we could generate everything automatically. Since then we have continued to use WebRatio Platform, appreciating the evolutions over time that have led to being able to also develop mobile apps with the same speed and quality. "


What are the main advantages for your company?

"The advantage of this technology for a software company is mainly the resources saving, which allows us to concentrate on projects’ analysis and management and to be able to compete with even larger companies that don’t use low-code methodologies. The speed is so high that we have been able to adopt an Agile development approach with frequent interactions with customers, enabling to create a pilot project (PoC - Proof of Concept) in just one week, and then extend the application and complete it within 20 days, even if the timing obviously depends on the functional size and complexity of the solution and the context."


What do your customers think about the WebRatio Platform?

"Customers, in addition to the speed, the quality of digital solutions and the involvement (and therefore the higher level of control over the project), given by the frequent interactions, greatly appreciate the documentation automatically created by the platform, which simplifies any handover."


Would you recommend WebRatio Platform?

"Certainly yes, for what has been said so far and also for the professionalism of the company team, which offers constant and complete support, guaranteeing the success of our customers' digital projects."


Low-code technology >

October 28, 2019 / WebRatio

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