Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


Revalue innovates in the finance industry with WebRatio

BPA Development | Customer | Finance & Insurance
Revalue innovates in the finance industry with WebRatio

logo revalue cliente WebRatioMassimo, how did you get to know WebRatio, and why did you choose it?
M.F.: In Revalue, we manage non-performing loans (NPL), and we have collaborated with WebRatio for years. When we wanted to switch from a client/server architecture to a web one—to overcome existing systems’ limitations—we were asked to use the WebRatio platform, and we have not left it since. We must safely manage large amounts of data (even sensitive data), so the WebRatio platform proved to be the perfect tool for creating a structured, solid and secure solution with minimal maintenance requirements.

“The WebRatio platform proved to be the perfect tool for creating a structured, solid and secure solution.”


What solution have you implemented?
M.F.: With WebRatio, we developed the ef@cto management software, which is the digital pillar of Revalue's business model. Ef@cto allows us to manage in-office the entire "end-to-end" life cycle of the credits we acquire. This includes taking in charge, handling requests for collaboration with external companies, financial accounting, bill management, communicating data to state auditing bodies—such as Banca d’Italia and Centrale Rischi—and collecting management and analytical reporting.

We also have realized, via WebRatio, the ef@ctoDaemon solution. This Business Process Automation application manages the automation of back-office activities and allows us to significantly optimize files’ processing times.

Have you digitized and automated even very complex activities?
M.F.: Since the management software was released, we have brought digital innovation to the world of credit, not typically an innovative or digitized industry. The application contains business process automations we have expanded and refined over time to minimize manual "non-value added" activities and to allow business users to use well-structured workflows. Today, the Daemon system allows you to link a workflow to each credit acquired, to check the processing status daily, and to assign activities to operators while automatically managing each phase and moving it forward until completion.

To highlight the structure’s complexity, I can tell you the web project comprises hundreds of web pages and database tables


What advantages do you see in WebRatio Platform? Would you recommend our platform?
M.F.: Definitely. As a product owner and developer, I would recommend WebRatio because it's fantastic to use a single product throughout the application development cycle. The platform allows you to develop every aspect, even multi-channel, web, or mobile aspects, without third parties.
Furthermore, one of the most evident advantages is updating the technology: I have seen constant innovation up through version 9. Even when participating in the Beta Program, I could perceive improvements, especially regarding the development of the user interface and, in general, the experience with the generated solution.
Thus, there is no need to use other tools, study new technologies or update existing ones because WebRatio considers everything, and it has a development team whom I have worked with for years and have a mutual relationship of trust and fruitful collaboration.

“It's fantastic to use a single product throughout the development cycle.”

August 27, 2020 / WebRatio

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