Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


Mobile App Development Days and HackApp: Success for the three days dedicated to rapid development

Mobile Development
Mobile App Development Days and HackApp: Success for the three days dedicated to rapid development


On September 28, the event began with an introduction to IFML taught by Marco Brambilla, professor of the Politecnico di Milano and partners of WebRatio. Later, Lucio Bordonaro, Customer Services Specialist & Trainer at WebRatio, presented the functioning of WebRatio Mobile Platform, the tool that allows you to use IFML modeling language and that lets you create mobile apps visually and 9 times faster than usual standards. A workshop session concluded on the first day. Participants could experience the WebRatio tool and see IFML at work firsthand. The second and third days were dedicated to the HackApp contest for rapid creation of IoT Apps, connected to sensors supplied by Eurotech and released on Openshift, RedHat Cloud system.



In only 16 hours the participants created their app linked to IoT sensors or proximity sensors (beacon BlueCats and Estimote). The applications’ ideas have been different and creative: from an App to simplify the queues at the counters, to an interactive game thanks to beacons’ usage.

Carlo Bernaschina won first prize. He designed an app for the booking of rooms that used proximity sensors and was notable for completeness, technical features, and functionality. Edwin van den Berg won second and third prize for the best UX and best-developed component, for its app that helps tourists stay fit during their travels. Finally, a special mention went to the group of Valerio Costantini and Robin Boncorps for their innovative idea to create a game that involves the use of proximity sensors.



Mobile Development Days have been the first event of its kind held by WebRatio. It has shown interest in visual development and modeling with IFML by students and professionals. In only 16 hours, developers who had never used the model-driven approach managed to create a working app. This makes it clear how you can create in a matter of days, not months as with normal standards of development, thanks to IFML and WebRatio Platform.

October 16, 2015 / WebRatio

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