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MobCon 2014: WebRatio revolutionizes hybrid mobile app development

Mobile Development
MobCon 2014: WebRatio revolutionizes hybrid mobile app development

November 13 - 14, Minneapolis, MN, USA - WebRatio was a sponsor at MobCon 2014, the annual two-day mobile conference for executive, IT, and mobile strategy business professionals.

At the Hyatt Regency in Minneapolis, over 500 mobile technology enthusiasts attended more than 30 innovative sessions. The keynote of Brent Herd, Head of Telco Strategy & Development - Twitter, aroused great interest. According to him, the highly evolving mobile ecosystem serves as constant stimulation for the real-time, public and highly conversational nature of the Twitter platform.

WebRatio was there to launch the new WebRatio Mobile and to receive initial feedback from managers and developers. The first managers to see this new product were very interested in the mobile development approach, especially on the interaction aspect (interaction with the device) and screen definition (page layout of the app). Furthermore, the usage of a visual language was shown to be an excellent response to their needs because it facilitates development, even by those with basic skills.

For developers, the most important benefits of WebRatio Mobile are the integration with back-end systems and the fact that the developed code is both standard and readable. The reliability of a standard visual language guarantees the quality of the generated code, and the use of Java will free developers from being limited to a single supplier.

WebRatio Platform has proven once again to be the best solution to meet the needs of firms needing to adjust to changing markets, and the new approach for creating mobile apps continues that trend.

November 24, 2014 / WebRatio

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