Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


How Low-Code Empowers Applications Development Autonomy

Low-code | Modernization
How Low-Code Empowers Applications Development Autonomy

For companies relying on external development partners, the integration with their in-house IT, achieved through the internalization of core process, and the subsequent autonomy in activities, such as enterprise applications creation, maintenance, and evolution, stand as fundamental strategic goals. The advantages are manifold:

  • complete control over application management;
  • reduction of costs associated with management; 
  • decreased response/modification/evolution times for business software; 
  • retention of technological and process know-how within the company (which, otherwise, would be shared externally); 
  • the consequent enhancement of the business skills of the personnel, growing in tandem with the increase in internal know-how.

The objective of internalization is often unattainable because of the need for resources possessing specific development skills that are becoming increasingly scarce due to the rising demand for digital solutions in recent years compared to the availability of specialists.


Low-Code emerges as the technology capable of addressing this challenge since, owing to the simplicity of its visual approach, it does not necessitate specific skills and amplifies development productivity
Companies can, thus, more easily achieve autonomy in managing business applications using a Low-Code platform, enabling them to establish an internal development team, even with a few junior resources, capable of handling substantial portfolios of applications.


An illustrative example is that one of an Italian multinational operating in the fashion & luxury industry. Unable to find a suitable ERP in the market for its unique needs and unwilling to invest in customizing an off-the-shelf software product, which would have tethered it to a specific vendor, the company sought to internalize development and maintenance. However, there was apprehension that these activities might prove too complex given operational and process requirements. A team of just three developers leveraged WebRatio's Low-Code to craft the ERP in a matter of weeks. This system is now utilized by 1500 individuals across over 130 stores worldwide, achieving substantial savings compared to the estimated cost of customizing market software products.



With WebRatio's Low-Code, even hybrid adoption models become viable, allowing companies to choose which activities to internalize

In addition to the advantages inherent in Low-Code technology, WebRatio presents a flexible model that grants companies the freedom to choose their partner for adopting the technology while retaining complete ownership of all developed software. Development services utilizing Low-Code can be solicited through the company's partner network, affording the ability to select which activities to internalize and providing a personalized pathway for adopting the technology.


The multinational corporation mentioned earlier, for instance, sought guidance from a partner who recommended the utilization of the WebRatio Platform due to its user-friendly nature. The initial development phase involved 2 WebRatio developers and one internal developer. Presently, the maintenance and evolution of enterprise software are overseen by the company's sole developer, eliminating the need for additional investments.


That is another example of the absence of Lock-In since WebRatio's philosophy centers around avoiding technological or economic entanglements with its customers, allowing them the freedom to select the optimal solution without incurring constraints or concealed costs. 


Explore the 7 Vendor Lock-In strategies and learn how to safeguard from them >


November 17, 2023 / WebRatio

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