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IFML open source editor now available on Eclipse Marketplace and GitHub

IFML open source editor now available on Eclipse Marketplace and GitHub

IFML for any domain

The IFML modeling language, invented by WebRatio and adopted as a standard by OMG in 2013, defines the "User Interaction" dynamics between an application and its user. WebRatio Platform uses a Web and Mobile extension to visually create the front end of a Web and Mobile application.

The IFML language, based on models, is independent from the implementation technology of the user interface. It covers all application domains: desktop applications, client-server, Web, digital TV, HMI, etc.


Figura: Diagramma IFML

Open source editor

The IFML open-source editor, created with Sirius (an Eclipse project to define modeling workbench), allows developers to model in IFML while taking advantage of all the modeling language advantages, which define for example:

  • The pages/windows through which the application interacts with the user
  • The objects/data displayed by the application or managed by business logic
  • The bindings among displayed contents, objects/data and events
  • The logic that determines the sequence of actions to perform in response to an event

The editor is available as an Eclipse plugin that is based on EMF, the IDE modeling framework, with EPL license (Eclipse Public License).


Where to find the editor and how to install it

The open-source IFML editor is available on the Eclipse Marketplace, or on GitHub together with the Sirius installation guide and projects gallery.

November 3, 2014 / WebRatio

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