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Gartner: IT companies should focus on Middleware to simplify mobile app development

Mobile Development
Gartner: IT companies should focus on Middleware to simplify mobile app development

In June 2015, Gartner Inc. published the paper IT Organizations Should Focus on Middleware to Enable Mobile App Development, a mobile development market research where analysts Van L. Baker and Richard Marshall describe how mobile app requests for development teams are increasing. Also, IT departments don’t have the UX and UI development skills and in the business process definition. Finally, Line of Business wants to take control of B2C and B2E Apps because of their huge impact on digital business.

In this market situation, development platform vendors are separating front-end development tools from back-end services tools, because these two aspects are growing at different rates and they, therefore, need to be decoupled and integrated into middleware solutions.

WebRatio Mobile Platform, named in the Gartner paper as an RMAD (Rapid Mobile Application Development) completely answers the requests of the market described by Gartner because:

  • For back-end architecture, it offers a proprietary mBaaS service (mobile Back-end as a Service) and also third-party services, such as Backendless and OpenShift by RedHat.
  • For the front-end development, the platform uses the visual language IFML, OMG standard, with which Line of Business can define apps’ UX in detail.
  • Business Analysts and developers can work on different mobile app aspects in the same moment, speeding up solution creation and focusing only on their work.
  • The platform simplifies the integration with external services in the mobile app thanks to complete API documentation.

WebRatio Platform proves to be the right tool to support companies that want to stand out in digital business with complete and tailor-made solutions for customers and employees.

September 16, 2015 / WebRatio

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