Low-Code and digital innovation

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Gartner listed WebRatio Mobile Platform among the Rapid Mobile App Development Tools

Mobile Development
Gartner listed WebRatio Mobile Platform among the Rapid Mobile App Development Tools

In February, we publicly released a rapid development environment for mobile applications. This platform has been used in several projects, such as EventOmeters, for the Fuorisalone and the IRM UK event.

Gartner evaluated the preview WebRatio Platform and listed the platform in the “Market Guide for Rapid Mobile App Development Tools”, a guide to high-productivity development environments that help companies respond to the growing demand for digital services.

RMAD (Rapid Mobile Application Development) tools differ from traditional development environments in their back-end systems’ rapid integration capabilities, easy-to-use mobile UI and workflow designs, offline data processing capabilities, native functionalities (such as geolocation and contact listing) and systems management and analysis.

The speed and efficiency of the WebRatio Mobile Platform are confirmed by an analysis conducted by one of our customers, which calculated the number of functions points (FPs) created in a software project developed with the WebRatio Platform. FPs are a standard measurement of development productivity. Our customer detected 145 FPs per month when using the WebRatio Mobile Platform, compared to an average of 16 FPs when using traditional approaches. Next week we'll publish a full report that shows how the productivity factor has been calculated.

June 17, 2015 / WebRatio

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