Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


From startup to international company: 18 years of WebRatio

Digital Transformation
From startup to international company: 18 years of WebRatio

"It has been a long time since that day in 2001 when a group of young boys met in the office of “Politecnico di Milano”’s rector to start the adventure of a startup that today is a structured and consolidated international company”. This is how Roberto Acerbis, CEO of WebRatio, recalls the day of the foundation of our company, which on last October 1 turned 18, no longer as a startup, but as an international company with headquarters in Italy, United States and Ecuador, with more than 100 customers and over 1000 applications developed.


Roberto reveals the key to success of WebRatio, which let it to grow and expand until today: to have a vision of a multinational enterprise with the enthusiasm and dynamism of a startup. It is in the nature of our company the initiative and enthusiasm for the research of new technologies and methodologies that bring innovation. These are characteristics that can be found in the young startups which are coming in the market for the first time, which have been a source of inspiration for 18 years and today are guided by a clear vision, gained thanks to the experience and challenges overcome.


This key is kept in every person we has met along our journey: "I thank them all for their contribution that has allowed us to be here today to celebrate 18 years of history of a company that has not lost its enthusiasm and the desire to innovate."

"So stay tuned because we still have a lot to say" concludes Roberto, referring to the innovation projects that WebRatio has planned, such as WebRatio Platform 9.0, soon to be released, and others that are seeing the light in 2020.

October 4, 2019 / WebRatio

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