Low-Code and digital innovation

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Flat subscription model: the most sustainable to develop without limits

Low-code | WebRatio Platform
Flat subscription model: the most sustainable to develop without limits

In calculating the return on investment of the Low-Code development for a business application, the cost of subscription to the platform is primary, because it must be subtracted from the value generated by the application to know the net profit obtained from the creation of the digital solution.

The Low-Code platform market involves three main types of subscriptions, which can be combined to offer more personalized models but hide costs in addition to development, such as the cost of scaling applications—for example, if you pay for a subscription based on the end users of the app.


subscription model
App Deploy
subscription model
App Usage
subscription model
By the number of developers By the number of apps created By the number of users of the application By developer + by number of apps
  By deployment environment Starting with a minimum number of users By developer + by deployment environment
      By developer + by number of users of the application
      By deployment + By usage


WebRatio has always offered a flat subscription model: a periodic cost per number of developers with no application creation limits or further constraints related to the complexity or use of the software created.


In this way, Professional Low-Coders can develop infinite applications, even starting from simple MVPs, and scale according to market response without any cost difference, whether the application is used by 100 or 100,000 users worldwide.


One multinational business in the retail industry that wanted to create an internal management system for cash reporting did not see any cost increase when the pilot project, which started in Italy, was expanded globally.


The prediction of the return on investment of the adoption of WebRatio Platform becomes quite straightforward, because the resources saved thanks to a 700% increase in development promote a sure increase in the return compared to traditional development methods, and the subscription model allows savings compared to other Low-Code development systems, making the WebRatio subscription the most sustainable and profitable for companies.


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June 28, 2023 / WebRatio

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