Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


Digital Transformation in transportation with WebRatio technology

Customer | Digital Transformation | Travel & Transportation
Digital Transformation in transportation with WebRatio technology

Giulia, what is your point of view about WebRatio as a business analyst?

G.V: At GTT (Gruppo Torinese Trasporti - the transportation company of the province of Turin in Italy), I deal with eCommerce projects for all areas—from transportation to parking and fine payment—and I have been working with WebRatio for years. Even if most of the development is outsourced, we feel that we are a unique work team with your experts: a few analysis schemes are enough to understand the project concept and to immediately proceed with the development of digital functionalities, which are online after only a few days.

How do WebRatio Platform and low-code technology support your activities?

G.V: As mentioned, the speed makes application development, modification, and maintenance occur almost in real-time. The abstraction of WebRatio Platform's low-code technology furthermore allows developers and business experts to have a common language that simplifies and accelerates the requirement and feedback collection phases. This enables the continuous innovation of online solutions in an Agile way.

“The abstraction of WebRatio Platform's low-code technology furthermore allows developers and business experts to have a common language that simplifies and accelerates the requirement and feedback collection phases”


Marco, what results have you had at GTT with digitization?

M.B.: I’m in charge of the operational management and maintenance of parking structures. The advantages I see are manifold: greater processes control and speed, with the quality improvement of performance analyses thanks to activity tracking. The management of a maintenance ticket, for instance, previously included numerous steps involving different tools, and collaboration among the involved people was difficult. With the software developed with WebRatio, the information is shared between the office staff and the maintenance staff in real-time, archived and made available for analysis in only one place and at any time.

“Advantages are manifold: greater processes control and speed, with the quality improvement of performance analyses thanks to activity tracking.”


So, the benefits of digitalization are not only operational but also managerial?

M.B.: Definitely: in addition to the simplification and acceleration of the operating procedures for in-office and on-field staff, the application allows us to keep track of all process stages. We, therefore, have evidence of critical issues and can intervene only where necessary. This significantly reduces the amount of time and resources spent, which can be invested in more profitable activities.

May 27, 2020 / WebRatio

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