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The 11 behaviors to look for in a Low-Code developer

Digital Transformation | Low-code
The 11 behaviors to look for in a Low-Code developer

The more the Low-Code development market grows, the more the demand for Low-Code developers rises too, requiring a deeper understanding of this new profile in the IT world.

Forrester depicts a detailed definition of the role in the report “Role Profile: Low-Code Developer[1] also suggesting to look for three main things when hiring a Low-Code developer[2]: business knowledge, specific certifications, and collaborative experience, since  “high-performing low-code developers have a different set of nontechnical skills than their traditional counterparts[3], as stated by Jessica D’Oliveira in the dedicated blog post. 

He/her is a full-stack developer who supports business innovation[4] has specific knowledge of platforms and industries, and who continuously collaborates with business and non-IT personnel.

This profile is characterized by nine common behavior found by Forrester[5] in high-performance Low-Code developers:

1. Prioritizes business problems above technical ones

2. Intellectual flexibility and professional versatility

3. Eager adopter of new technology

4. Analytical thinking

5. Creative problem-solving

6. Effective communicator

7. Attention to detail

8. Curiosity

9. Time management


Points 1 and 2 refer to the business-oriented attitude when working and managing a software development project: since the software is an expression of the business, business requirements need to be prioritized above all the other issues, and flexibility with versatility are fundamental skills to get by both business and technical perspectives.

Points 3, 4, and 5 refer to the ability to master the technology and the platforms to leverage them, in order to find the best usage, and also find creative ways to address business and technical problems.

Finally, points 6, 7, 8, and 9 correspond to the typical collaborative experience that an Agile developer brings to his team since Agile and Low-Code fuel each other.


A fast learner with a customer-centered perspective

In addition to what Forrester identified, our experience as a Low-Code platform vendor involved with thousands of Low-Code development projects, suggests also looking for two other fundamental behaviors when hiring Low-Code developers:


10. Fast learning
This is a fundamental skill that helps companies quickly adopt a Low-Code platform and have developers that are effective and autonomous in a short period of time, able to continuously update and upgrade their skills on both technical and business sides.

11. Proactive customer service
To have business knowledge and acumen primarily means to be able to anticipate customers’ needs and leverage Low-Code to rapidly deliver new ideas.  Low-Code developers have to know how to deal with customers and prioritize their satisfaction above other issues since having constant customer satisfaction means having a longer and stronger relationship that brings a more stable and secure business. 


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[1] Role Profile: Low-Code Developer, Forrester Report, March 2023

[2] https://www.forrester.com/blogs/need-to-hire-a-low-code-developer-look-for-these-three-things/, Forrester blog, March 2023

[3] https://www.forrester.com/blogs/need-to-hire-a-low-code-developer-look-for-these-three-things/, Forrester blog, March 2023

[4] https://www.webratio.com/site/content/en/news-detail/professional-low-coder-analysis

[5] Role Profile: Low-Code Developer, Forrester Report, March 2023


April 26, 2023 / WebRatio

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