Low-Code and digital innovation

The blog about the innovation of companies that chose to digitally transform their processes with Low-Code and Digital Process Automation technology of WebRatio


Gewiss Spa accelerates Digital Transformation in collaboration with WebRatio

IoT | Low-code | Manufacturing
Gewiss Spa accelerates Digital Transformation in collaboration with WebRatio

Gewiss Spa is a market leader born in 1970 and today operates internationally in creating solutions for home automation, energy and lighting, with about 1500 employees and commercial subsidiaries in more than 80 countries worldwide.
Always keen to improve the quality of the products offered to its customers, it has made the decision to work with WebRatio to realize new innovative services for the home automation sector.
The company, which has always stood out for the excellence and innovation of its systems, has chosen to work with us to quickly and securely create web and mobile solutions that are an answer to the ever-increasing demand for the management and control of residential IoT systems.

November 27, 2018 / WebRatio

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