A web project example that shows the product catalog of the ACME brand.
A responsive and expandable style based on the Twitter Bootstrap framework.
Suitable for back office web applications.
A web project example with all the features of an online book store.
A custom component able to either update an existing instance or create a new one based on its predefined input key parameter.
Available for database-backed entities and for volatile entities.
The Google Map component lets you embed Google Maps in your own web pages.
Dashboard and control panel template based on Twitter Bootstrap framework and Almsaeed Studio AdminLTE theme.
The brand new WebRatio corporate concept which made its first appearance at Code Generation 2011
A modern and responsive style based on the Twitter Bootstrap framework.
Create professional layout for back office and front end web applications.
A simple process for managing the expense requests.
The Strings Function component lets you to do the following strings operations:
- concat/deconcat strings
- strings to array/array to string
- uppercase/lowercase
- capitalize/uncapitalize
- trim
- add strings
- substring
- replace
- generate UUID
- encrypt (Des3, Des3 Unicode, Nullable Des3 Unicode...
A web project example for managing calendars and activities.
An HTML5 and CSS3 based style, thought for BackOffice Web applications.
A simple and clear style to have a professional layout.
For information and customizations please refer to Documentation.pdf file included in the package.
The Dates Function component lets you to do some calculations on dates.
The social login component lets users to sign in the Web application using their social network accounts.
Currently supported:
-Google Plus
A full featured, skinable and responsive style based on the HTML5/CSS3 support of WebRatio 7 and suitable for back office web applications.