An RTF Filler component permits to personalize a given RTF template with custom values.
A FTP component permits to navigate and modify a FTP file-system.
A Zip component permits to add or extract files to/from a ZIP archive.
The PayPal component allows to perform a payment process using the PayPal Express Checkout service.
The Scale Image component permits to scale an image defining its resulting size in pixels.
The Social Search component lets users to search contacts using their social network user accounts.
In order to use this component the user must login into its social network accounts using the Social Login component.
The QRCode component permits to encode an arbitrary text (string, URL, etc...) and generate a QR Code image.
An alternative to the standard multi-selection field template displaying the options as check boxes.
An attribute template depicting a number from 0 to 100 as a progress bar.
A data component template able to show an image with fancy title and description effects.
The CSV component lets you read or create CSV files.
The social login component lets users to sign in the Web application using their social network accounts.
Currently supported:
-Google Plus
A tag cloud is a visual representation for text data, typically used to depict keyword metadata (tags) on websites.
A tag cloud component displays a set of tags using a cloud representation.
A multi-message component template providing a quick jump link to the top of any page.
A template for the multi-message component which displays a notification bar on top of the page.