The LinkedIn component lets users to interact with their LinkedIn accounts to manage connections, groups, search for companies and jobs.
A sample mobile application that allows the partner of a company to see events organized for them, to buy special offers and to see information about other partner companies.
This mobile application:
- requires the internet connection to work properly.
- uses an external back-end to retrieve the sho...
A sample mobile application that shows the possible usages of the Calendar Component.
It allows to save events to the device’s calendar or to open the device’s calendar to have an overlook of all the events. Take a look at the model to understand how to use the Calendar Component.
This mobile appl...
A sample mobile application that shows the possible usages of the Contacts Utility Component. It allows to import existing contacts from the device's address book to the mobile application and it allows also the export contacts from the mobile application to the device's address book. Take a look at...
A sample mobile application that shows the possible usages of the Bar Code Utility Component. It allows to scan an existing bar code or to generate a new one of type phone contact. Take a look at the model to understand how to use the Bar Code Utility Component.
This mobile application:
- integrates...
The Twitter component lets users to interact with their Twitter accounts to manage tweets, connections, messages and to search for people and tweets.
The Strings Function component lets you to do the following strings operations:
- concat/deconcat strings
- strings to array/array to string
- uppercase/lowercase
- capitalize/uncapitalize
- trim
- add strings
- substring
- replace
- generate UUID
- encrypt (Des3, Des3 Unicode, Nullable Des3 Unicode...
The Dates Function component lets you to do some calculations on dates.
The CSV component lets you read or create CSV files.
A Zip component permits to add or extract files to/from a ZIP archive.
A custom component able to either update an existing instance or create a new one based on its predefined input key parameter.
Available for database-backed entities and for volatile entities.
The validation rule which verifies if the field value is a valid IBAN.
The QRCode component permits to encode an arbitrary text (string, URL, etc...) and generate a QR Code image.
A component that helps in transforming JSON keys and chains,
plus decoding functionality as the most important input text
with keys of type (His name is: #name#) and a Json string
type is passed {"name "" Luis "} and the end result will be:
(Your name is Luis)
This component allows to control validations text: Letters, Numbers, Alphanumeric, Special Characters and Passwords.